Thursday, July 23, 2009

Best Preactices for Orphan Works

The Society of American Archivists have published a best practices for orphan works. The best practices/standards are available as a pdf file for download at

Sunday, July 19, 2009

What's it all about, really?

Money. That's what it's about these days. Not only in the publsihing game, but in healthcare, manufacturing, retail,government, academia, etc. It's all about the bottom line.

The bottom line for a fiction writer is to earn a decent living by selling or licensing (renting) original creative works. Fiction writers have traditionally sold or licensed their works to publishers who then managed all further sales, including distribution to retail markets, subsidiary sales, translations for foreign sales, etc. Publishers assumed that they also had license to market electronic sales as part of the publishing contract, with no additonal or only minimal additional compensation to the writer. Thanks to professional writers organizations like Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA), Authors Guild, ASJA, etc., writers began negotiating electronic rights as part of every contract. Most writers only earn pennies from electronic sales at this time, but that may change in the future as more readers are willing to purchase e-books.

Google's Google Book Library Project opened up a new can of works for writers. Many out of print but still in copyright works were digitized by Google, and writers are still uncertain how much money they will or won't make when Google sells electronic copies.

The entire publishing industry is going through massive changes, thanks to new technology and the effects of the economy. What will happen in the future? How will writers earn their living when traditional publishers have closed up shop?

I hope you will stay with me as we continue to explore these ideas in the days, weeks, months, and years to come.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Robot Dance Moves

To show my ignorance, I had no clue what a robot dance was until I checked it out on You Tube. Here is an example:

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I'm Back

This blog was blocked. It happened yesterday, and I couldn't post to this blog until Google, the parent company of Blogger, verified that I was a real human being and not a robot spammer.

I am happy to report that I am now able to post again to this blog.

I am still waiting, however, for an explanation of why I was blocked.

Honestly, now, do my posts seem that mechanical? Am I that robotic and automatized?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Fame and fortune

Some people think all writers are rich and famous, and nothing could be further from the truth. Some, a very few, do manage to become rich and famous after selling to motion pictures which also hypes sales of the book. What are your chances of becoming rich and famous as a writer?

According to MSN Money ( "the odds of winning the Mega Millions are 1 in 135,145,920. Buying two tickets bumps your odds only to 2 in 135,145,920."

Your chances of winning the lottery are better than your chances of becoming rich and famous as a fiction writer.

Writing, like playing the lottery, is a numbers game. The first piece you write has a 1 in a hundred billion chances of making you rich and famous. Each succeeding book you write increases your chances. Ray Bradbury used to tell beginning writers to write their first million words and then throw them away. They don't have a chance of selling (or writing anything really good) until they have written more than a million words.

Your chances of being hit by lightning are thousands of times better than the chance of becoming rich and famous as a fiction writer, and hundres of times better than winning the lottery.

It is possible to earn a reasonable living writing non-fiction, and some writers can mix sales of fiction and non-fiction to achieve an annual six figure gross. But it is extremely rare to be able to earn a living solely writing fiction.

The best way to get rich writing fiction is to already be rich and famous and then sell your fictionalized memoirs (think of Dick Chaney, Donald Trump, most movie and NFL stars). Even lottery winners have a better chance that you or I of selling a book and becoming rich and famous because they are already rich and famous.

Here an interesting perspective from Jenny Diski's blog:

So, wannabe writers, forget the rich and famous part. Write fiction because you love to tell stories and you have good stories to tell. But don't quit your day job until you've sold at least one book to the movies or tv.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bottom of the Food Chain

Is it any wonder that writers feel like they are at the bottom of the food chain? All they have of any value in this world is their work, and writers have--of necessity--become very protective of their work. Everyone else in the world, it sometimes seems, wants to take another slice of the pie and leave barely a crumb left for the poor starving writer.

Take, for example, electronic rights. Shouldn't writers receive fair compensation for their work when it is made available for download? Shouldn't writers be paid everytime someone downloads their work or everytime their work is included in a database? Since electronic rights were not mentioned in many older contracts, shouldn't those rights belong to the writer and not the publisher until such time as they are negotiated and the writer paid for a license? What do you think?

Nickel and dimed to death

One of the reasons that fiction writers are so miserly about every penny they earn or could potentially earn is the cost of doing business as a professional writer. Writers must have a computer and high speed internet access (you may have seen some of those poor starving writers who don't own a computer who come to libraries to use the public access comuters and internet) in order to prepare their manuscripts. They must keep in touch with editors and the market requirements of various publishers by regularly reading Publishers Weekly (PW), Literary Market Place (LMP), Writers Market, Writers Digest, The Writer, and other trade publications (do you know how much a subscription to PW costs these days?). They must also pay their own rent for an office, office insurance, health insurance premiums, etc. Their agent normally takes 15% of the gross and forwards the rest to the writer. The writer then pays quarterly self-employed social security and medicare (both his own and the employer's portions).

The real problem is the way commercial publishers pay royalties on fiction.

Normally, the book publsiher will offer an advance against royalties which is paid within 90 days of signing the contract. Then the publsiher sends royalty statements and checks every six months (semiannually) after the sales exceed the advance. With corporate accounting delays and waiting for returns of unsold copies from booksellers, semiannual payments often are delyed for a year or more.

Likewise, when a publsiher sells subsidiary rights (paperback rights, foreign translation rights, movie or tv rights) the publisher collects the money and waits to make sure the advance has been recovered and any credits for returns have been accounted for. The publsiher earns interest on that money while the writer has to wait and wonder when the check will be in the mail. When the check finally does come, it goes first to the agent who cashes the check and takes out the agency commission. Then, finally, the agent sends a check for the balance to the writer.

Who Owns Reviews?

Reviews of works of fiction (book reviews) are an interesting anomaly in the world of copyright. Most professional fiction writers review the works of others, and many professional fiction writers supplement their fiction income by selling review columns to magazines. In the world of science fiction and fantasy, for example, there has been a long tradition--dating back to the pulps--of running review columns in fiction magazines. This has been traditionally true also for mystery fiction, and even for romance fiction. Today there are separate review zines like Mystery Scene, Romantic Times, Locus, Science Fiction Chronicle, and others that pay small honoraria for reviews. But the columists who have a by-line in these commercial magazines usually sign a contract to write columns of so many words for each issue for a set fee per word or a set fee per column. Many fiction writers negotiate rights: offering first time rights and an option to reprint for a set fee. They retain the right to market their reviews elsewhere, and often fiction writers will market a collection of their reviews to commercial book publishers. Damon Knight and his wife Kate Wilhelm were as well known for their reviews as they were for their novels and short stories. Knight also wrote introductions and prefaces for books of reviews, as well as prefaces and introductions to fiction collections and anthologies.

Since fiction works are only peer-reviewed by an editor or editorial board (usually consisting of professional editors and not professional writers), true peer-reviewing takes place in the columns of the genre magazines and in the marketplace where readers often buy books or magazines based on reviews and blurbs by other writers.

The Poor Starving Writers' Cookbook

How should writers be paid for their work? Should they be paid for each piece or should they be paid a salary? Should all writers be subsidized by the government? By Google? By libraries? By readers? By publishers?

What does copyright really mean? Does it protect only corporate entities who publish or distribute works? Wasn't copyright protection meant to stimulate creativity at the origin of creativity--the writing level?

Here is a PowerPoint presentation that begins to explore these questions:

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Is Google being unfair to authors again?

Pity the poor starving writer. Not only have publishers been taking advantage of writers, but now Google steps in and promises to add insult to injury.

Orphaned Works from Author's Perspective

Imagine, if you will, that I have written a novel that sold modestly well in the 1980. It is only one of several novels that I have written and that were published by the same publisher. The titles are currently out of print

Orphaned Works

Does it make sense to give Google exclusive rights to orphaned works? Orphaned works are works that are no longer in print and the publisher has lost track of the author.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Adding value to digital products

Make it easier and cheaper, and they will pay for it

One of the alleged reasons for literacy piracy is the PROHIBITIVE COST of digital items and the difficulty of downloading. Do we really need a seaparte "reader"? Can't we simply download to our phones or computers and read e-books there?

And isn't there a way to compensate writers for every single download? Certainly digital tracking is easy these days, and it must be possible to pay writers royalties on every single use of their works.

Risk Aversion and the Collapse of Art in Modern Corporate Publishing

Why aren't publishers and readers more flexible? Here are some answers as to why the digital revolution has been so slow so far.

What is fiction?

A Companion to Digital Literary Studies, ed. Susan Schreibman and Ray Siemens. Oxford: Blackwell, 2008.

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property rights (IPR) protection. How do we balance the rights of creators and the rights of society in general to use and enjoy creations?

Paying authors salaries instead of royalties is one possibility. But who pays? And who gets paid?

More on literary piracy

digital literary piracy

If writers have enough money, is it okay to steal their work?

Cory Doctorow is an author I admire, but he has made his mark and earned his fame and fortune. He doesn't need to worry where his next meal is coming from. Is it okay to steal his work?

More on the effects of piracy on writers

What does a writer have to do to get paid for writing?

How should writers be paid for their work?

Will literary piracy will take away writers' motivation to write? A british authors' society claims it may.

This brings up the question of how should writers be paid for their work? Writers just want to write and be paid for it so they don't have to work multiple jobs (is that so much to ask?), but digital piracy steals bread from authors' mouths (and the mouths of their children). Should fiction writers be subsidized with grants? Will writing grant proposals take up all of the creative time and energy writers need to create fiction?